With great pleasure, we invite you to join you at the celebration of our marriage.
The third daughter of Mr. F.X. Sudiyono & Mrs. Rosalina Purwiyatmi (†)
The second son of Mr. F.X. Anang Wahyudi & Mrs. Vincentia Nuraini Damanik
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Kindly check your arrival time.
To minimize physical contact at the reception, we make it easier to give a gift of love to the happy couple through this feature.
This payment uses a secure system. Fee: Rp 5.000 per transaction.
Ijah Hadijah
Selamat ya sheandy dan Pandu, seneng sy dengarnya semoga selalu bahagia sampai kakek nenek 😘
Maaf saya tdk bisa hadir karena kondisi sekarang ini
Saya doakan semua yg terbaik untuk kalian berdua 😍😘😘
4 years ago
Jago Event Management GOING
Semoga selalu dipenuhi dengan kehangatan dan kebahagiaan dalam keluarga Mbak Shaendy.
4 years ago
Semoga jadi keluarga yg selalu bahagia shaendy
4 years ago
Christo GOING
Cie yang dikit lagi SAH. Semangat ya Shaendy...
4 years ago